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MDOT to Begin Bridge Replacement Project in Perry & Greene Counties

Perry & Greene Counties, MS — The Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) will soon begin a bridge replacement project along Highway 42 in Perry and Greene Counties.

The project was awarded to T.L. Wallace Construction Company for $6.26 million. Work is scheduled to begin Monday, August 10.

The project involves reconstructing bridges at two sites along Highway 42. One bridge on Site 1 over Piney Woods Creek in Greene County approximately a tenth of a mile East of the Greene - Perry County line and two bridges on Site 2 one each side of the intersection of Bee Tree Road and Highway 42 over Sand Hill Creek and Bee Tree Creek. The total project involves about a mile and a half of roadway.

Impacts to motorists include the temporary closing of Lovewell Road just North of Highway 42 for the construction of a box culvert. Union Road and Lovewell Road will be realigned and then traffic will be placed on the new alignments while the bridges are constructed. The bridges will be constructed on new alignments which should not impact motorists until the bridges are complete.

The project is scheduled for completion by November 2016.

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