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Petal and Lamar County School Districts Receive An "A"

HATTIESBURG, MISS - State Superintendent, Dr. Carey Wright paid two Pine Belt school districts a visit today to congratulate them on their academic success. Petal and Lamar school districts both received an "A" rating for the 2016-17 state accountability results.

Dr. Wright says the success of these two districts consists of a collective effort.

"You can see a huge focus on instruction here and that's the one thing we see consistently. Teachers are teaching to very high standards, they're meeting individual students' needs," Dr. Wright said. "They are really focused on making sure that all the kids succeed, and that's what you see in every single 'A' district."

Dr. Wright also highlighted the fact the community is a huge part of these schools success.

"You see a community that's coming together that is supportive of their school. You see excellence in leadership starting for the top... from the superintendent, to the principals, and into the classroom. You see everybody caring about all the children that they are responsible for," Dr. Wright explained.

Dr. Wright says these two "A" districts have found ways to engage students in their studies, pushing them towards academic success.

"Children will do well when they feel like they are being recognized, and they are being taught well," Dr. Wright said. "I think that engagement is reflective when you see good school districts. That's why your seeing our graduation rate is the highest its ever been and our dropout rate is the lowest its ever been, because children are staying engaged."

Overall, Dr. Wright says she's one proud superintendent.

"Just very proud of the work the teachers are doing across the state of Mississippi, and our principals as well," Dr. Wright said. "I could not be any prouder of what's happening in Mississippi, and couldn't be prouder to be the state superintendent."



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