Hattiesburg Mayor nominates Alan Howe for water and sewer director position

HATTIESBURG, Miss. - Hattiesburg Mayor Toby Barker announced a nominee for the Water and Sewer Director position Tuesday morning at City Hall. Barker named Alan Howe, who currently supervises water and sewer operations for Pearl River County.
"I cannot stress enough of how much of a win this is for our city. For our neighborhoods and for our employees. Particularly where we are right now with our water and sewer systems and our desire to provide the citizen centered service,” said Mayor Barker.
Howe has more than 20 years of leadership experience in plant operations across multiple industries.
“I’m anxious to meet all the public. I do well with the public and I’m anxious to let the public know what we’re going to do as far as water and sewer around here and make things better. Thank you very much for this opportunity, I appreciate it.” said Howe during the announcement meeting.
If Howe is approved by City Council, he will start working with Hattiesburg on February 5.