Volunteers Plan to Rebuild a Tornado Victim's Home from Ground-up in 3 Days

HATTIESBURG, MISS. - R3SM was hammering away in the community early Monday morning, as they attempt to rebuild two houses in less than a week. “Hopefully, the weather holds out and we're looking to make lots of progress in the next three to four days,” Associational Mission Strategist for Pine Belt Baptist Association, Will Wall said. The January 2017, EF-3 tornado damaged two houses on the Putnam Street. One home partially damaged, and the other completely destroyed. Homeowner, James Eaton describes his initial reaction after seeing what the tornado did to his home. “Well, I didn't have any insurance and didn't know quite where I was going to go at that point,” Eaton said. Stranded, without a livable house, Eaton found himself living in his car. “The owner of this particular house behind me is staying in his car. So, I know that our community is better than that,” Wall said. “I love Hattiesburg and I know that people of Hattiesburg are better than that.” Eaton's tragedy caught the eyes of multiple organizations, ranging from The Pine Belt Association, Louisiana Baptist Association, R3SM, and almost 100 volunteers from Prairie Grove Christian Church (in Prairie Grove, Arkansas). Who came all together assist him in his time of need, and ultimately have him back in his home by the end of the week. “It's been more than a blessing. God has been good,” Eaton said. “Our mission is love God, love others, and serve others, and this gives us an opportunity to be able to fulfill that mission,” Sr. Pastor at Prairie Grove Christian Church, Vance Eubanks said. “We can't do something like this in our own strength,” Wall said. “We have to do it in the strength of Christ. It's not easy, but we press on because we know that these types of relationships have eternal implications.” R3sm along rest of the workers say that both houses will be completed by Thursday evening.