Severe weather storm tips
Purvis, Miss. - Winter season is upon us, which also means we're in the middle of severe weather storm season and there's a couple of safety tips you may need to know.
James Smith, Lamar County Emergency Management Agency director said, "First of all, if you live in any mobile homes or sub-standard structures or anything like that, you need to find somewhere to go and just ride out the Mississippi weather threat."
If you're driving in a storm, it's important to not panic, but to find shelter quickly.
Smith said "you know if you're driving and you can find a place to go and you see that you're getting into a substantial weather event while you're driving, try to find somewhere to go, that's a structure to get out of your car. Of course, you're protected by lightning being in your car, but if a tornado does come along and you're in your car, then it can move that car, it can flip that, or turn that car over."
Smith said the EMA does not recommend going inside ditches unless it's a last resort, but if you can, you should find shelter.
Smith said "you want to go into your room, a hallway preferably, a bathroom, something with no exterior windows, and something inside the middle of your home."
Before a severe weather storm happens, people should stock up on food, water, and batteries. And if you feel that you’re home structure is not safe, please go to one of your local community shelters before the storm hits.