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Hattiesburg police department to host "Drug Take Back" event

HATTIESBURG, Miss. - The Hattiesburg Police department (HPD) is hosting their 5th annual 'Drug Take Back' event tomorrow.

The event is a partnership between the Drug Enforcement Agency and the Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics in an effort to clear drugs off the streets and into the wrong hands.

Lt. Jon Traxler of HPD said, "It helps us out because it cuts down on the possibility of abuse, sales, just because there are some old medication there somebody might take it."

Resident can anonymously bring any unused prescription and over the counter medicine to the department without question for officers to properly destroy.

"It also helps us get it of the street because a child can get into a cabinet and take something they are not suppose to be taking" added Lt. Traxler.

The event is at the Hattiesburg Police Department and is between 10 AM - 2 PM.



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