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Various law agencies will conduct safety checkpoints

Hattiesburg, Miss. - Mississippi Highway Patrol, the Hattiesburg Police Department, the Lamar County Sheriff's Department and the Forrest County Sheriff's Department are teaming up their patrols to help make the streets a little bit safer.

Hattiesburg Police Officer, Lt. Jon Traxler said, "Starting this week, we're fixing to do a big surge on some safety check points. Here it is middle of the year almost, we're going into summer, getting ready for graduations, proms, things like that are going on. We want the citizens to not only be aware that they're going to be out there, but we want them to know what to be expecting if they pull up on one. Number one, there's going to be officers there, have your driver's license, your proof of insurance with you and ready as soon as you pull up. The faster you have that, the quicker we can get you on to where you're headed."

There's no timetable to how long these safety checkpoints will last.



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