Local community members recognized for heroic act
HATTIESBURG, Miss. - Four members of the community received awards Tuesday during a city council meeting for rescuing a woman from her burning home and saving her life last week.
Three out of the four heroes were from the Hattiesburg Fire Department (HFD) and the other, a worker from the Forrest County Emergency Management (EOC).
Fire Chief Paul Presley presented Medals of Valor to Michael Blair, Alexander Redondo, and Medals of Merit to Joey Collins and EOC worker, Jim Hennessey.
Chief Presley said this is the second time as chief to present community members to receive an award.
"This is one of the special occasions where I felt they actually deserved a Metal of Valor" said Chief Presley.
The second time Presley presented awards was back in March 2016. Firefighters saved people in a car during the heavy floods. They were able to rescue them before drifting away.
The cause of the fire is unknown at this time, and the woman is in stable condition.