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Krystal's birthday, big surprise giveaway

HATTIESBURG, Miss. - Krystal is celebrating its 84th birthday in style and it has a big surprise for the public.

General Manager, Gihan Liyanage said, "We're having a raffle draw at the end of the day. It will be a Kia Soul given out and at the same time it's for each and every Pine Belt community person to come and enjoy Krystal's. And throughout the day, we are having a good rate for the prizes as well. We just wanted to give back to the community after serving for 83 years and to say thank you to all of our customers who have done a great job on keeping us in business."

Krystal's 84th birthday will be Wednesday, October 12.

The restaurant will be open from 6 a.m.- midnight that day.



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