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HHDA proposing to-go cup ordinance

HATTIESBURG, MS. - Hattieburg's Historic Downtown Association (HHDA) is proposing a to-go cup ordinance to the community.

If passed the ordinance will allow people to leave restaurants or bars in designated areas downtown with alcoholic drinks in hand according to HHDA's Executive Director Andrea Saffle.

Saffle said it creates an opportunity for more traffic, activity, and events downtown and can even help with tax revenue.

“The businesses are very excited about it, the businesses want it, they see it as a way to expand its businesses" said Saffle.

However, Saffle has heard some residents' concerns. "Some of the cons related to it is that some people are concern noise, concern about loitering, they are concerned about liter."

Saffle said the goal is to bring downtown alive with activities, but not like a Bourbon Street in New Orleans.

According to Saffle HHDA plans to present the ordinance to city council to vote on in the near future.



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