Forrest and Perry County Drug Court graduates 25
HATTIESBURG, MS. - Forrest and Perry County Adult Drug, DUI, and Veterans Treatment Court held their graduation Monday at Lake Terrance Convention Center.
This year there were 25 graduates from the three-year program. The program requires those with non-violent offenses and substance abuse problems to enroll and spend three years adhering to specific terms.

Twelfth Judicial District Circuit Judge Bob Helfrich says, "Most crimes are linked to drugs and alcohol, and through the drug court program, we put families back together."
According to the organizations Facebook page this is the program's mission:
"The mission of the Forrest/Perry County Adult Drug-DUI-Veterans Court is to enhance public safety and save the taxpayer money by providing a structured and accountable alternative to incarceration for non-violent offenders with the disease of substance abuse and chemical dependency; to enhance the health and lives of the offenders and their families by providing court-supervised treatment and rehabilitation to allow the offenders to return to society as productive, tax paying citizens."
He adds, "We address the program, we treat the drug and alcohol addiction. We put the families back together, we keep families united and keep people out of prison.”
This is the 14th year of the program, it graduates a class every 9 months says Judge Helfrich.