HPD enforces zero tolerance policy for drug and gang activity

HATTIESBURG, Miss. - Hattiesburg Police Department spokeswoman, LaTosha Meyers
said there are gangs in the city but, it is not a recent issue.
During an interview Meyers explained, Hattiesburg authorities will continue to work closely with an agent of the South Mississippi Street Task Force – specializing in gang activity, initiation and identification – to keep residents safe.
“We...conduct gang suppression detail, where we work actively with federal, state and local agencies such as the U.S. Marshalls, the FBI, the MBN, the Highway Patrol, ICE and federal state probation. We are aware of our gangs in our city and we are going to keep the city safe. We are not going to tolerate any acts of violence in the city of Hattiesburg." said. Meyers.
HPD will continue to make arrest related to any drug or gang activity in the city of Hattiesburg.