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Hattiesburg Library Exchanges Food for Fines

HATTIESBURG, MISS. – “Thanks to the Hattiesburg Library for giving me another opportunity to get some help, and be able to step foot back in the library again,” library member, Ronald Jackson said after the Hattiesburg Library forgave his fee balance. “We have a lot of people excited about this program,” the circulation manager for the Hattiesburg Library, Brittany Tibbett said. “Over the past three days, we've gotten such great feedback.” The program always library members to turn in canned goods to reduce their fee balance. When a member turns in one can, they get two dollars removed from their current balance. “We are partnering with the Edwards Street Fellowship Center and all of our donations are going to help them serve the hungry in Hattiesburg,” Tibbett said. The Edwards Street Fellowship Center helps feed more than 1200 families, and the Hattiesburg Library says they are proud to extend a helping hand too. “The best part of this is just giving back,” Tibbett said. “We really feel like our library is a part of the community, and this is just a great way to showcase we're here... We're all connected.” “It brings joy to my heart anytime, I am able to help a person in need out,” Jackson said. “Thank you, Hattiesburg Library... I love you guys.” The canned food drive will continue throughout the entire month of January.



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