William Carey University Talks about Life On Mars, and New Discoveries

HATTIESBURG, MISS. - Life on Mars, it happened to be a hot topic discussed at William Carey University. The university invited guest speaker, Dr. Mimi Gerstell. She addressed the problems people would face if we did try to live on Mars. A member of the William Carey University administration staff said he was more than happy to have Gerstell speak to the students on Friday. "She is here speaking about the discoveries on Mars, and some of the research she has done there [research done at California Institute of Technology). I think that it is a tremendous thing that our university is able to host such a prestigious scholar to be able to speak here at Carey,” William Carey’s Executive Vice President and Provost, Scott Hummel said. “I love seeing a packed room to be able to hear from Dr. Gerstell… and the great thing about a university is the exposure to a wide variety of different kinds of topics, and this one particularly dealing with mars." Previously, there have been bacteria fossils found on Mars. Some scientists still remain optimistic that one day we could find more forms of life on Mars.