City of Hattiesburg releasing paving projects for Fiscal Year 2018
(The following press release and photo were submitted from the City of Hattiesburg.)

Hattiesburg, Mississippi – On Monday, the City of Hattiesburg released the final paving list for Fiscal Year 2018, with at least one street in each of the five wards.
"This summer paving list reflects an effort to listen to residents in Hattiesburg as to which roads were most in need of work," said Mayor Toby Barker. "It also affirms that we have a long way to go in meeting our infrastructure challenges. As we begin budget hearings for Fiscal Year 2019, increasing the city's paving budget will be a top priority."
The list includes 13 streets, with two continuations from the paving list released in October: Duke Avenue and Sharmont Drive. The paving of Duke Avenue was contingent on the installation of new sewer lines which required the ground to settle for six to eight months. Sharmont Drive needed more attention to the overall construction of the street.
The list also includes two streets, Sullivan Kilrain Road and Jackson Road, that will be paved due to a partnership with Forrest County Board of Supervisors.
“We continue to be thankful for our county partners and for their financial support on significant projects shared between the city and the county,” said Barker.
Requests from residents and city council members were used to round out the list, with equity across all wards. Work is expected to continue through September.
Moving forward, the City of Hattiesburg aims to set paving schedules a couple of years in advance to assist with broader infrastructure planning and budgeting. These infrastructure plans are the by-product of the 25 neighborhood town halls hosted by Mayor Barker and his administration.
For FY 2018, $2.3 million was appropriated for paving. This was an increase of $100,000 over FY 2017. All schedules are subject to weather constraints. The list of streets to be paved includes (by ward):
Ward 1 • Campbell Drive • Jackson Road (Forrest County project)
Ward 2 • Bouie Street • Franklin Street • Duke Avenue (continuation of earlier project)
Ward 3 • Doleac Drive • Sharmont Drive (continuation of earlier project)
Ward 4 • Park Avenue • South 16th Avenue • Walnut Street
Ward 5 • Chambliss Drive • South Pines Drive • Sullivan Kilrain Road (Forrest County project)
The complete list, with graphics can be found at: