Jones County Sheriff Receives his Budget for the Upcoming Fiscal Year 2018-2019

ELLISVILLE, MISS. – Tuesday morning, during a “Public Budget Hearing” the Jones County Board of Supervisors issued Sheriff Alex Hodge a $5.6 million budget for the upcoming fiscal year. This is number comes $2.8 million less than the budget the sheriff originally requested ($8.3 million). Several Jones County residents made their case as to why they believe the sheriff needs a bigger budget. Sheriff Hodge remains on the record saying, his department can not properly function with the given budget. “We either don't answer 911 calls, we don't feed prisoners, or provide medical services and none of those are an option,” Sheriff Hodge explained. “So, we'll just be over budget again.” The 2018-2019 adopted budget of $5,645,215 is $615,163.38 less than where the sheriff's department projects to finish.