MDOT to Begin U.S. Highway 11 Bridge Improvement Project in Jones County

Jones County, MS — The Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) will soon begin a bridge improvement project on U.S. Highway 11 between Interstate 59 (Exit 93) and Don Curt Boulevard in Laurel.
Work is scheduled to begin Thursday, September 10 and will include widening the bridge and making improvements to the existing structure. There will be a two week interval in which this bridge will be closed to through traffic, beginning approximately Wednesday, September 16. An official detour route will be posted along I-59 between Exit 93 (Highway 11) and Exit 95C (Beacon Street).
“We want to make sure the traveling public is aware of the work taking place next week,” said Transportation Commissioner Tom King. “MDOT advises that motorists slow down, be alert for our workers and utilize the posted detour routes throughout this section of roadway.”
The $595,000 project was awarded to Key LLC.
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The Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) is responsible for providing a safe intermodal transportation network that is planned, designed, constructed and maintained in an effective, cost-efficient and environmentally-sensitive manner. MDOT’s objective is to maximize taxpayer’s dollars by providing a safe, efficient multimodal network which enhances economic stability and growth.