United Blood Services is in Need of Type O Negative Red Cells and Type AB Plasma

Hattiesburg, MS — United Blood Services is experiencing an increased need for type O negative red cells and type AB plasma donations. Type O negative blood is the only type that can safely be given to patients of all blood types. Trauma center doctors reach for it first when there’s no time to spare. Only six percent of the population has O-negative blood. That puts you in an elite group of people whose donations are critically needed by patients at all times.
Type AB is the universal donor for plasma, just as O negative is for red cells. They’re both rare and vitally important. Plasma transfusions help control bleeding for premature babies, surgery and organ transplant patients as well as those with rare blood diseases. We’ve seen the need for AB plasma grow as more hospitals expand their trauma care.
If you have type O negative, AB positive or AB negative blood type, we are asking you to act now and take time to donate blood or plasma! All donors will receive a “Bleed Black & Gold” T-shirt, while supplies last. Donors can make an appointment to donate by visiting www.bloodhero.com, click on “Donate Blood” and enter your zip code. For more information call 601-264-0743.
Donors can donate at the Hattiesburg Donor Center at 805 S. 28th Avenue. The center takes donors five days a week:
Monday - CLOSED
Tuesday - 8am to 5pm
Wednesday - 8am to 4pm
Thursday - CLOSED
Friday - 8am to 4pm
Saturday - 8am to 2pm
Sunday - 11am to 4pm
As always, all blood types are needed in order to prevent any blood type shortages from occurring. Donors with negative blood types are asked to inquire with a United Blood Services staff member regarding qualifications to donate Double Red Cells. “When tragedies happen, blood needs to be on-hand and readily available. The only way to ensure an ample blood supply at all times is for blood donors to donate on a regular basis, we recommend at least three times a year”, said Mitzi Breaux, Marketing and Communications Manager for United Blood Services. “Donating blood three times a year will help ensure that blood of all types is available in our community.”
Donors can also visit www.unitedbloodservices.org the day of their donation and click on the “Health History Questionnaire”. This allows donors to complete the interview portion of their donation on-line, in the privacy of their home or office. Make sure to print your “Fast track donation ticket” and bring it with you to your donation.
Volunteer blood donors must be at least 16 years old, weigh at least 110 pounds and be in good health. Additional height/weight requirements apply to donors 22 and younger, and donors who are 16 years of age must have signed permission from a parent or guardian. The 16 year old donor permit form can be located at www.unitedbloodservices.org. Donors receive a free cholesterol test. Donors also earn points in our “Hero in Me” online rewards store. Points can be redeemed for movie tickets, pizza, shopping cards and more at www.bloodhero.com. A photo ID is required to donate. For more information, call 877-UBSHERO (877-827-4376).