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USM Students Speak Up About the State Flag

Hattiesburg, MS - To keep the state flag on campus or not? USM students voiced their opinions and the Student Government Association is listening.

President of USM's SGA Jeffrey George says, "Well we are really still trying to find out, we have been working with the students and different campus organiations as well to really start an educational conversation about the flag."

Just this week Ole Miss voted to take the Mississippi state flag down from their campus, which is causing a lot of attention and controversy over the state flag's meaning.

Student Caleb Faulkner who believes the state flag should be taken down says, "Personally I think it is kind of outdated, so I think we should probably take the flag down. Some people believe that it stands for things like southern heritage or what not, but personally for me and other members in the black community for us it makes a little uncomfortable."

While Faulker voices his beliefs, other seem to disagree. Student Matthew Michael mentions, "I feel like we should keep the flag just because it is a piece of history and we should never forget it, we shouldn't be ashamed of it because it happened, we can't change that."

George mentions that he is happy that this debate is happening so that the student government can represent the student's voices on campus effectively.

For now the state flag is still present on the USM campus. The student body government says that next month there will be multiple forums regarding the debate.



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