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34th Avenue and Beverly Lane Gets a New Sidewalk

Hattiesburg, Miss. - The city of Hattiesburg, Forrest County Board of Supervisors, and the Mississippi Department of Transportation held a ribbon cutting for a new sidewalk on the corner of 34th Avenue and Beverly Lane.

Resident, Carol Brown said, "It's really nice. I like it because there's new people that moved into the area, especially young people. They have baby carriages, they're walking their dogs. I have two dogs inside so it keeps them busy too."

And it's not just great for dogs, but people will benefit from this too.

Brown said "there's joggers here in the area and there's people just walking and older people too. It's good for the older people."

Brown explains to me why this latest city project will help keep pedestrians safe.

Brown said "cars are stopping and sometimes they even might go through. So having this sidewalk off the street is really good. It's safe."



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