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"Meals on Wheels"

Hattiesburg, Miss. - The City of Hattiesburg and Christian Services will remember March 2, for a long time.

Christian Services' “Meals on Wheels” received a proclamation from Hattiesburg mayor, Johnny Dupree. March was proclaimed as “Meals on Wheels” month.

But “Meals and Wheels” is an organization that generously provides meals every day for people who are in need.

Cookie Prout, Christian Services VP and CFO said, "We are so excited that we have the city administration behind, because they are well aware of the needs. Our goal in declaring this month, 'March for Meals Month' is that the community can be aware that needs are great, but together, we can make a difference."

Dupree said "Christian Services has been doing this for 30 years. You got to have a heart for that in order to do this that long and to be just consciousness with doing it."

Prout said Christian Services is serving about 55 people every day, which is a little over 250 meals a week.

Prout said through the churches alone, about 1300 meals are delivered every week.



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