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"It's On Us" takes action at USM

Hattiesburg, Miss. - Domestic violence and sexual assault is a problem many people face throughout the world.

And USM is doing its part on trying to bring awareness to these issues.

USM student, Ava Wolf said, "Today is the second day of the "It's On Us" action and we are signing the pledge as you can see behind me, where students can sign up to fight domestic violence and sexual assault."

Many people visited the "It's On Us" booth to sign the pledge.

Wolf said "as a victim of sexual assault, it's powerful. People are passionate about this and I'm just so happy that I got to be behind the scenes and help make this week such a success."

The "Its On Us" campaign had a great start today and Wolf is hoping to bring more awareness throughout the rest of the week.

Wolf said "tomorrow, we will be partnering with Alpha Chi Omega and we'll be passing out purple ribbons in honor of those affected by domestic violence. Thursday we'll be back in the Thad Cochran Center to sign the pledge and encourage students to do that as well. And then that night we'll have Riley Herron from the Shafer Center discussing her experience with sexual assault and how she overcame it and what we can do to help victims on our campus."

According to reports,1-5 women are sexually assaulted in college around the country.



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