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Mayor Dupree recognizes National Victims week

HATTIESBURG, Miss. - Today Mayor Johnny Dupree declared this week as National Victims week.

Along with the Hattiesburg Police department, Camp Shelby representatives, and the Schafer Crisis Intervention Center, Mayor Dupree wants to recognize the victims of every crime.

He mentioned more than 24 million people in the United States are touched by crime each year and their voices should not go unheard.

Ashton Thompson, Victims Advocate said, "Crime does happen in our city, we do not live in a bubble and crime does really happen here. People need to be aware of the services that are available to them."

There are more than 10,000 community and system based victim services programs across the nation and Hattiesburg offers these services too.

Thompson added, "They need to be aware that we understand and that we are here, we want to help any way we can."



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