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Camp Shelby celebrates retiree day, veterans speak

CAMP SHELBY, Miss. - Camp Shelby honored veterans with Retiree day Thursday. Retirees traveled near and far to celebrate their service with comrades.

Command Sergeant Major Adelchi Pilutti talked with his fellow veterans about parachuting into Normand on D-day. He said, "Of course it was scary at times, but it was worth it, the military is worth it." Pilutti added, "It will make men out of kids."

Veterans said they look forward to Retiree day, it is a time to recognized those served the country.

Sgt. First Class Nickie White said, "It's good we see each is great to get to catch up."

Chief Master Sgt. Clarence Andrews added, "It gives me an opportunity to find out what is going on in the military, I've been retired 10 years, I still have an interest in it."

Senior Master Sgt. Jimmie Durr said, "It is an opportunity to learn what is going on, and also the benefits of being retired."

Key Speaker General Augustus Collins talked with the crowd about the changes in the military over time, the challenges military members endure, and the comradeship between brothers and sisters. He further said Retiree day means more to him than just a simple reunion.

"It has a special place in my heart because I look out across the crowd and I see so many of the men and women who have been very instrumental in my life and my career" General Collins said.

Retiree day not only honors those who served, but shows the community the struggle retirees endured to bring freedom that some take for granted.



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