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JROTC cadets gain hands-on medical training experience at William Carey

HATTIESBURG, Miss. - For many, a week long program in the summer may not be ideal, but some kids are having a fun time learning about a potential career path through a William Carey program.

Italo Subbarao, William Carey associate dean of preclinical sciences said, "It's the Junior ROTC. I believe they’re all coming in from Jackson. We're trying to inspire this next generation of students to go into healthcare professions."

Throughout the week, the kids got to meet and hear from medical professionals. But Thursday, the kids received some hands-on training.

"It's always more fun when you're an active participant, so today we had them do CPR and do some chest compressions and really that can save lives, said Subbarao."

The kids were very grateful for the experience they’ve gained.

JROTC student, Carmen Younger said, "It's not something you can just do every day. It's like a once in a lifetime chance."

JROTC student, Marshawn Grady said, "It's just phenomenal. Many kids don't get to do it, but considering the fact that we had an opportunity to do it and took initiative, shows a lot."

JROTC student, Kristen West said, "And it gives us a better understanding about the medical field. We can hear about it, we can read about it in our school's all day, but until we get that hands-on experience, you would never understand how it truly is."

JROTC student, Tonie Tarrio said, "So within that time frame we have been doing this, we're actually learning a whole lot that must be learned if we want to achieve anything in life."

But this wouldn't be a possibility if it wasn't for one man's vision.

Senior JROTC instructor, Fredrick Brown said, "We're competing global, not just in the United States for jobs in the near future. So our students have to be competitive with other students globally. So the more we get them exposed to all the different medical fields, we feel that would enhance their ability to be at the top."



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