OLLI house celebrates 25 years, recognizes Bud Kirkpatrick

HATTIESBURG, Miss. - The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) celebrated its 25th Anniversary Thursday.
This year OLLI's press representative, Bud Kirkpatrick was recognized for his over 25 years of news service.
He was given a plaque, a gift certificate and a huge cake recognizing his many years of service to Southern Miss.
OLLI's Director, Brett Harris said, “I think Bud’s ability to work in PR and Marketing and connect with folks in the media, has really help elevate the profile for this program."
Harris continued, "He helped us attract a lot of new members, I mean this year alone, one of the campaigns, he ran helped us get, around 130 new members, so we are really grateful for that support.”
Bud was also given a lifelong membership to OLLI.