Hattiesburg Area Habitat for Humanity offers long-term tornado recovery
HATTIESBURG, Miss. - Area residents from Forrest, Jones, Lamar, and Marion Counties affected by the January 21, 2017 tornadoes have options when considering long-term recovery plans.
Laura Goodwin-Wright with the Habit said, "We know that in Hattiesburg people are really loyal to their neighborhoods."
Home/Property owners, who wish to rebuild, may bring those to the Habitat Homeownership application. If accepted into the Hattiesburg Area Habitat Program, Habitat will work in partnership with the family to rebuild on their property.
Home/Property owners who do not wish to rebuild, can donate the property to Hattiesburg Habitat. This is a tax-deductible donation.
Hattiesburg Habitat will hold these properties in inventory for qualified applicants to choose from when we build their new home together. Hattiesburg residents are very loyal to their neighborhoods.
Having inventory of properties from all across our geographic service area makes it easier for families in our program to choose to live near their extended families and in the neighborhoods where they grew up.
She added, "We have partner families who want to be in the same neighborhood with their grandma or their auntie and so having a large inventory of properties for our families to select from allows them to stay in those family neighborhoods.”
Hattiesburg Area Habitat is always happy to receive donated property. Home/Property donations are not limited to those affected by the tornadoes. Please contact Laura Goodwin-Wright by phone at 601-582-4663 ext.15, or email at LLGWright@hattiesburghabitat.org if you have questions.