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The Rewards and Difficulties When It Comes to Working on Christmas Day

HATTIESBURG, MISS. - On Christmas day many of restaurants are closed. However, there are a few that are an exception to that rule, and Shoney’s is one of those restaurants. “It can be kind of rough because you got get up and leave your family,” Shoney’s general manager, Cedric Harden said. “But when you get here, just turn it on and try to take care of those guests.” Harden mentioned some of the difficulties and rewards that come with working on Christmas. “Yes, it's a bright side too. We get to feed all the people that don't have a family and friends… so, that's a bright side right there,” Shoney’s employee, Karen Jordan said. “People appreciate us being open,” Harden said. “They tell us 'thank you.' Some of the servers get big tips, all types of stuff goes on today.” Another benefit that employees enjoy when it comes to working Christmas day is the extra money. “My favorite part about it is you get to make a little money, and work early and get home to my family,” Harden said. Along with the benefit of receiving extra money, these employees also find it rewarding that they are able to give to people in a unique way for this special holiday. “I'm giving my time… to please someone else and to give somebody else a smile that didn't get anything today. So that's a blessing right there,” Jordan said. Shoney's served 450-700 people this Christmas. The restaurant closed their doors at 5 PM, but they will continue with normal business hours starting Dec 26.



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