R3SM's 10th Home Dedication

HATTIESBURG, MISS. - Thursday afternoon, R3SM helped another Pine Belt resident move back into her home. This is the 10th home the organization helped put back together. “The front half of the roof was gone. Carports were gone. The roof had been lifted up,” the homeowner’s son, Jerry Spann reflected on the chaos he saw Jan. 21, 2017 when he pulled up to his mother’s house. “So, it didn't look like the same house anymore.” “When people are impacted by a disaster there are so many emotions that come in to play,” R3SM Case Manager, Missy Gordillo said. “There is a sense of despair, sense of fear.” These emotions describe how homeowner, Lela span felt after her an EF-3 tornado hit the only home she’s lived in for more than 40 years. However, a year and a couple months late, Lela's house is back standing on solid ground. “I Thank R3SM, I thank Missy and all the ladies down there with their continuous work. I just can't say it enough. Thank you,” Jerry Spann said, expressing his gratitude to the organization for helping rebuild his mother’s home. “Like Jerry had mentioned, it's a team effort,” Gordillo responded. “The family came in... It's a very sensitive subject to talk about as far as how that occurred. So, we just wanted to make things as smoothly as possible for them, and like I said it's a process.” “It's an incredible gift to be able to see where we were a year ago in this disaster, to finally be able to see a survivor be able to live in her new home,” Disaster Response Consultant for UMCOR (MISS. Conference-United Methodist Church), Angela Overstreet said. Lela Spann’s house is the 10th home R3SM helped rebuild.