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New fire truck added to Hattiesburg department fleet

HATTIESBURG, Miss. - Hattiesburg Mayor Toby Barker announced the purchase of a new fire truck Friday at the No. 1 Fire Station.

“Adding a new pumper truck really take steps to help fire fighters have the equipment they need to fight fires in a growing city. With the edition to engine four, which is what that is, using the latest water pump technology. It’s really going to empower our firefighters to go and do their job and do it safely,” said Mayor Barker.

City Council made a decision last year to tighten the budget with an exception of fire and police department purchases.

“This truck $444,000…the council is going to vote on a seven year pay off plan for this one. They will use the insurance premium money rebate that we get as a city for our fire fighters,”

The new truck will replace Fire Engine Four and sustain the department’s current class four rating.

“It’s dependability of a new vehicle will help lower maintenance cost. It will help us provide a more efficient and more dependable service for the city’s needs when we respond to emergencies,” said Hattiesburg Fire Chief, Stephen Mooney.

Outside of the new addition, Mayor Barker said it’s time to expand services around the city.

“We know that we have to build a new fire station on highway 49 north. The citizens gave us an extra mill this budget year to help us do that. There’s a lot of things going on that are very beneficial to public safety. Our two new pay scales, will help us recruit and retain the best in both our fire and police departments. So the addition of this pumper truck is just one more step in a very bright future for our fire department,” the Mayor explained.

As for now, fire fighters say they are happy to serve and protect citizens with the latest technology and tools for rescue.



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