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Hattiesburg's Downtown New Years Celebration

HATTIESBURG, MISS. – “Five, Four, Three, Two, One… Happy New Year!” Hattiesburg Mayor Toby Barker yelled with excitement as the city hosted its inaugural downtown celebration.

From sidewalk to sidewalk, hundreds of residents filled the downtown streets of Hattiesburg, Miss. celebrating the start to a new year.

“It was amazing,” Hattiesburg resident, Abigail Allen said “I love the design, I love everybody coming together. The entire city is here.” “We never had it like this in Hattiesburg, Mississippi,” Hattiesburg resident, Doug Leggett said. “I mean, you can’t pay for this.” Hattiesburg closed 2018 with the dropping of a ball that sat over the intersection of Main Street and Front Street. “We believe that there are so many things we will accomplish together as one city in 2019,” Barker said to the crowd downtown. For many Americans across the country 2019 serves as a checkpoint, allowing people to reevaluate their personal lives and make adjustments as needed through their New Year’s resolutions. “I want to just always be a better person and do what I can to help the community,” Hattiesburg resident, Paulina Lewis said. Lewis’s boyfriend, Jesse Johnson stood by her side and followed-up her comments with his New Year’s resolution. “Be a great boyfriend,” Johnson said jokingly. “Just by beginning silent and agreeing with everything.” Only one day into the new year with another 364 days left, many Pine Belt residents believe that 2019 will be a special year.



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