SCRMC seeking donations of hand-sewn face masks
(The following is a press release from South Central Regional Medical Center.)

At this time, South Central Regional Medical Center (SCRMC) has an adequate supply of masks on hand to protect its employees and patients from COVID-19. However, the global supply of masks continues to be uncertain and we are actively taking steps to secure more supplies.
Linda Gavin, Vice President of Marketing and Business Development at SCRMC, said, “We have received numerous calls from the community over the last couple of weeks from churches, sewing groups, and other organizations asking if they can make masks out of fabric and donate them to the hospital. As with all healthcare facilities around the country, South Central has limited protective medical equipment and any donations of this type are appreciated.”
While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention does not suggest cloth material as a first-line defense against the coronavirus causing COVID-19, cloth masks combined with a filter provided by SCRMC will work well for other conditions and can help conserve precious reserves of N-95 respirator masks.
If you would like to donate masks to the South Central Health System, please email or call: 601-498-3674 or 601-498-3956. Arrangements for face masks can be made between 8 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday. Drop-off is not available at SCRMC or other SCRMC facilities, so all donated masks should be coordinated by contacting our support staff by email or phone.
A recommended sewing tutorial, along with suggested cloth materials, can be found at We are asking that material for masks be 100% cotton. Note versions with and without elastic in case elastic is in short supply. After face masks are received, they will be washed, starched and ironed by the Laundry services at SCRMC. All items will be held in our Laundry department until needed.
“We have also been asked if groups could bring food to the hospital for healthcare workers. As much as we appreciate the offer, we are limiting visitors within our organization and unable to accept food donations. Making and donating these masks is the best way you can help at this time. Your efforts will help make a difference in our patients, staff and community,” Gavin closed.
To make arrangements for donations, please call 601-498-3674 or 601-498-3956 or email To read step-by-step instructions on requested style face mask, visit To watch a video tutorial on requested style face mask, visit