Jones College closes campus Thursday, Friday for maintenance
(The following is a press release from Jones College.)
ELLISVILLE - In preparation for scheduled electrical maintenance, the Jones College campus in Ellisville will be closed on Thursday, June 25, and Friday, June 26. All offices on the main campus in Ellisville will be closed. The phone system will not be operational as normal. “We apologize for the inconvenience,” said Jones College President, Dr. Jesse Smith. “However, the scheduled maintenance will allow us to make the newly installed underground electrical system operational.” During the power outage on campus, the Canvas-MyJones portal will remain available with classes continuing to meet, including all online and MSVCC online classes, during the days the campus is closed. Unfortunately, the parking lot public Wi-Fi will not be available during the power outage. All Jones College County Centers and the Advanced Technology Center will remain open and phone lines operational. Additionally, summer and fall class registration will be suspended until Monday, June 29, at 8:00 a.m. The July summer session begins July 6, and the fall semester begins on August 10. For more information click on the Jones College website,