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Jones College continues its mask mandates

(The following is a press release from Jones College.)

ELLISVILLE – Governor Tate Reeves’ recent Executive Order 1549 relaxes the mask mandates statewide, however, the mandate also clearly outlines that individuals shall wear masks inside school buildings and when on a school campus. Jones College and its Centers in Clarke, Greene, Jasper and Wayne County will continue to follow the previous established COVID-19 guidelines which includes wearing masks.

Visitors and Jones College faculty, staff and students are asked to continue to follow mask and social distancing requirements at all Jones College locations to remain in compliance with state mandates and to protect the Jones College community. These campus mask requirements and other COVID-19 related policies will remain in place through Friday, March 12, 2021.

The Jones College COVID-19 Taskforce will continue to discuss additional COVID-19 protocols regarding classroom meeting allowances, on-campus gatherings, and event capacities. For more information go to the website,



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