USM asking residents to vote for summer concert series
PINE BELT, Miss. - A proposal by the University of Southern Mississippi to present a 10 week summer concert series at Chain Park is in danger of collapsing without enough votes by this Sunday.
Residents have until Sunday to vote online to bring the Levitt AMP music to Hattiesburg. In order to even be considered for the $25,000 grant, Hattiesburg must first be voted into the Top 25 finalist cities.
USM Professor and Organizer, Dr. Jonathan Pluskota said the concert will be a great addition to Hattiesburg.
"I think if you look at Hattiesburg, and the history of Hattiesburg...being a place of Rock and Roll, I think if you look at the arts in Hattiesburg this will be, an opportunity for the community to really put themselves on the map and say hey look at Hattiesburg" said Dr. Pluskota.
He added, "We have a unique sound, we have a great art and music culture.”
The Top 15 cities will receive the grant that will allow the summer concert series in Hattiesburg.
To vote for the proposal you can click here.