Oak Grove Senior Center announces Veteran and Seniors of 2016
OAK GROVE, Miss. - The Oak Grove Senior Center recognized its Veteran and Seniors of the year during its annual celebration Monday.
Veteran U.S. Marine Corps Corporal Tommy Johnson was voted this year’s veteran. Corporal Johnson served in the marines for 10 years and during the WWII era.
Corporal Johnson said he was humbled by the recognition, “It’s a little bit overboard though, for me, I am not that type of person, I can’t take that kind of good stuff.”
Senior Couple, Roland and Sara Pimm were recognized as this year’s seniors of the year. Both said they were shocked when they won this year’s title.
“Yeah I guess so and it was good I hope, cuz that is what we want to do it, the impression that we leave, and the honor that was have doing it this year, we want it to reflect on the ones coming behind us.”
All three will participate in the 2017 voting process for next year’s veteran and senior of the year.