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MS U.S. (R) Senator shares thoughts on President-Elect Trump and GOP

PINE BELT, Miss. - United States Senator Republican Roger Wicker from Mississippi told FOX 23 he believes President-Elect Donald Trump moving his way into the White House will help push the Republican agenda even more.

“I think it is going to be very encouraging, and I think it is going to mean that we have, fewer job killing regulations" said Senator Wicker.

He added, " I think that is one of the first things that he is going to do, a lot of these regulations that came in the last 8 years, were well intended, but they put burden upon burden on our job creators."

Senator Wicker told FOX 23 he is supporting Trump's agenda and that he is glad the U.S. Senate now has a Republican influence.

On Saturday Louisiana voters, elected Republican John Kennedy to fill the nation's last Senate seat, giving the Grand Old Party (GOP) a 52-48 edge in the chambers starting January.

“John Kennedy’s victory in Louisiana was very encouraging, and you know, the President-Elect came down and made a last minute stop, for Senator-Elect Kennedy, and I think that really boosted the vote" Senator Wicker said.

"He got, 61% of the vote, and to me it is an indication, that the voters want us to support, this President-Elect, he’s got a great, program and we need to get busy January 3rd, when we take the oath of office to start the new term" said Senator Wicker.

Senator Wicker said he believes the Republican influence in the chambers will give the party a slight edge.

"People represent there own constituents, and its hard to get, everyone in your conference to vote one way or the other, I think there will be a lot of bipartisan support though for a number of things the President wants."

One of the first things Senator Wicker will work on starting January is to repeal Obamacare. "I am encouraged that we will work on repealing Obamacare and replacing it with something that works better" said Senator Wicker.

He continued, "We are trying to get away from these huge premium increases that have been affecting almost every American."

Although some American voters claim Trump's victory into the White House is rigged by Russian hackers, Senator Wicker said it is worth taking a look.

“I do think the American people made their own decision, there is no allegation, that the Russian came in and hacked the voting machine, I think the allegation is that they tried to influence, American opinion" he said.

He continued, " I do not know about you, but I think I made my own decision, and I think Americans made their own decision.”

"If you look at the public opinion surveys people felt that the United States was seriously off track and needed to head another direction and I think they made their own conclusion, we did not need anyone from overseas to convince us that the United States needed to turn in a different direction" said Senator Wicker.



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