State Senator Chris McDaniel considers to run for U.S. Senate, hopes to repeal 'Obamacare'
PINE BELT, Miss. - Mississippi State Senator Republican Chris McDaniel tells FOX 23 news he is considering to run for United States Senator against U.S. Senator Roger Wicker.
McDaniel said there has yet to be an official announcement, but he is highly considering it.
“We send these politicians to Washington to fight for the American people, we send them there to fight for Mississippians. They do absolutely nothing to change the status quo" said McDaniel.
In 2014 Senator McDaniel came very close of dethroning the longtime U.S. Senator Thad Cochran in the U.S. Senate race. He said both Senator Wicker and Cochran have failed at being agents of 'conservative' change.
“Roger Wicker has failed us in this regard, just like Thad Cochran has" he said.
Senator McDaniel added, "So we need people over there who will be fighters, people with energy, folks that want to get things done as supposed to just 'yes men'.”
If he decides to run and becomes a U.S. Senator there will be three issues he will primarily focus on: Repealing the Affordable Care Act, stop state tax increases, and immigration policies.
“First of all Obamacare needs to be repealed, immediately, every single word, we know that its in a death spiral, we know its damaging to the economy, we know it doesn't work" he said.
McDaniel continued, "And all the establishing Republicans done is repackage Obamacare and sell it to us, basically the same plan, we cant have that, its time to repeal every word of it it."
"Republicans now leading the charges for tax increases, Roger Wicker is voting for tax increase, we have Republicans in Jackson voting for tax increases. Tax increases devastate the economy, tax increases devastate the individual liberty" Senator McDaniel added.
During his race against U.S. Senator Cochran four years ago, McDaniel was endorsed by Donald Trump with the following tweet:
Now that President Trump is in the White House, McDaniel hopes if he decides to run, he will have the majority's support.
“I was please to get Trumps endorsement, I think he understands that change is needed" McDaniel said.
He added, "But now that he is in D.C. establishment Republicans like Roger Wicker and Thad Cochran are standing in the way of conservative change.”
According to McDaniel he hopes to make a decision by October 2017.