Longtime Ellisville mayoral candidates to square off in general election
ELLISVILLE, MS. - Two longtime Ellisville residents are vying for a chance to become Ellisville's next mayor after the incumbent Tim Waldrup decided to retire.
Lynn Buckhaults won the Republican primaries Tuesday night against businessman Danny Shows and Kathy Pool.
Buckhaults came in at 413 votes, Shows at 128 votes, and Pool at 29 votes.
Buckhaults said, "The reason to run was to win, I appreciate the people that turned out, the support that I got, I really appreciate it. I appreciate what my opponents did during the primary.”
Buckhaults is a former Ellisville Alderman who served in 2014-2016. He will run against Independent Susan Patterson Kelly who is a full time campaigner.
Kelly said, “Whether I win on whether I lose, I believe either one of us will be the best mayor that is possible. I always said from the beginning it would be me and Mr. Buckhaults running against each other.”
Both said they have an agenda to make Ellisville a better place.
“I love the people and I love to see it, continue to be Ellisville" said Buckhaults. He continued," But I want to have the opportunity to relieve some of the burden on taxpayers, to have businesses, and to support the ones that we have.”
Kelly said, “I would want to see the infrastructure to be re-done, the city roads, the water, and the sewer lines, are old, there are still some that are very old, and they need to be done."
She continued, "And that is a main goal, the flooding in the town from the draining ditches, that has been the biggest complaint so far from the campaign season.”
They will square off June 6 in the General Election, both are encouraging residents to vote.