U.S. Representative guest speaker for 'Girls State' at Southern Miss

HATTIESBURG, MS. - Approximately 280 young women from across the state will make The University of Southern Mississippi’s Hattiesburg campus their temporary home June 4-9.
The students will earn the formula for representative democracy as delegates to the 69th session of the American Legion Auxiliary Magnolia Girls State.
Girls State is a week long program that provides select rising high school seniors hands-on learning opportunities about the inner workings of federal, state and local government through simulated political campaigns, legislative and judicial processes in the fictitious state of “Magnolia.”
State and local government officials will also be on hand to discuss with delegates their perspectives on public service and the importance of engagement in civic affairs.
Guest speaker, U.S. Representative Gregg Harper said, "One of the main things is, we sometimes always sell ourselves short, and we compare our lives, maybe to someone else highlight reel and realize that everyb0dy has their ups and down’s."
Harper added, "And do not let anybody tell you what you cannot do. So hopefully I can encourage them and they be hopefully courageous in their lives and know that God has great things planned for them.”
“We’re excited about the outstanding group of young women selected for this year’s American Legion Auxiliary Magnolia Girls State session,” said Girls State Director Angela Kilcrease of Tylertown.
“Our program brings together a diverse group of young women from across Mississippi for an intense week of hands-on study of our form of government and good citizenship. It is a proven leadership laboratory."