Pine Belt native announces candidacy for House District 102
HATTIESBURG, MS. - A Mississippi native announced his candidacy for State Representative House District 102.
Andrew Shivers, 31, is a local Insurance Agent and said he will run for the Mississippi Legislature Monday.
Shivers graduated from the University of Mississippi with a Bachelors in Banking and Finance. He also received his Masters degree in Business Administration.
He added, "I have been in the financial industry, I majored in that in college. The city is much like a business and you have to run it without a deficit which has not been done in the last 8 years especially the school system.”

Shivers is the former Executive Chairman of the Pine Belt Young Professional's organization for two years. He said if elected he will focus mainly on infrastructure, education, and tourism.
"Our property taxes are double what they are in Oak Grove an in Lamar county and yet our public schools systems are failing, our roads are in horrible conditions, and the crime rate is exponential to what it used to be" said Shivers.
He said the public education system is his number one priority. "Without that Hattiesburg has no future, you have to train the youth to lead our nation after we are gone" he said.
"Public education is the most important thing in my opinion" Shivers said.
Governor Phil Bryant set the special election date for September 12.