Petal student related to high school shooting threat
This is a press release from Petal School District.

PETAL, Miss. - The Petal School District has concluded the investigation of a potential threat that was posted on social media over the weekend. After following all leads over a 36 hour period, a Petal School District student (juvenile) has been identified as the source behind the false threat that was sent through Snapchat. We are confident this student acted alone. The student who is responsible for creating the false Snapchat post is being disciplined to the fullest extent possible according to school policy. Additionally, law enforcement investigators from the Petal School Police Department and Petal Police Department conducted a full investigation. Superintendent Dr. Matt Dillon issued this statement in response to the investigation: “We cannot tolerate inaccurate posts made by anyone that causes a disruption to our school environment. It is unfortunate the irresponsible actions of a student caused such turmoil in our schools and community. We take every perceived threat seriously. Our district will always do what is necessary to ensure the safety of our students and staff. As powerful as social media can be as a communication tool, a post that isn’t true can create an unnecessary disruption for our schools. When misinformation is shared it desensitizes awareness of real issues. That’s why responsible use of social media is so important. We urge all students, parents, and community members to contact appropriate authorities anytime there is a concern for safety. We appreciate the many parents and community members who offered their prayers and support as we dealt with this situation. In addition, we are thankful for the efforts of the Petal Police Department, Forrest County Sheriff’s Office, and the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation for their assistance. As always, our faculty and staff do an amazing job of providing a safe and sound educational environment.”